Molly M

a safe space for learning


Students should be able to thrive rather than just survive.

My personal pedagogy is a combination of the signature pedagogy from the UNBC School of Education (People, Place, and Land) and Queer pedagogy, with a teeny tiny pinch of abolitionist pedagogy thrown in there. Learning about different established pedagogical practices through the experiences throughout the program and other readings has been very helpful in forming my own.

I have been so lucky to have had the opportunity to work within a research group with a few other trans and gender-nonconforming folks in different teacher education programs for a few months spanning over fall 2022 to summer 2023. They would share experiences and resources that really resonated with myself and my beliefs. It has opened my eyes to different opportunities that I didn’t really think were possible for someone like me. The sheer joy I found from finding a group with common experiences has pushed me even further into wanting to be a safe person for any of my colleagues or students that I work with no matter how they identify. My queerness and transness are inherently connected with how I interact with the world, teaching, and learning.

© 2025 Molly M

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