Molly M

a safe space for learning

Inclusive and Diverse Education

The world is a beautifully diverse place. This is reflected in our classrooms. There are three types of people in the world: those who like Minecraft, those who don’t like Minecraft, and those who hold no opinion on Minecraft. All three can and should co-exist as long as no one is exhibiting harmful behaviour!

There is a reason for each and every block to exist in the game. At this point there are 820 blocks sorted into 150 types. Some types of blocks are a lot more common than others but they all still exist in the world for the player to encounter. Different blocks work better for some players than others, but they all have the ability to use the space they have spawned in.

All people are different so it leads to all learners being different! They all have different needs in and out of the classroom and as educators we need to allow space for these needs. We also have to recognize when something is beyond our abilities and reach out to other professionals more suited towards helping with certain situations.

[ID Begin: Twenty-one Minecraft block side profiles. Top left to bottom right they are: dark oak log, redstone ore, oak log, lapis lazuli ore, granite, iron ore, jungle log, emerald ore, coal ore, cactus, birch log, grass block, acacia log, copper ore, diamond ore, dirt, spruce log, glowstone, gold ore, barrel side, and clay. ID End.]

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